BPTi to BMS data transfer agreement
The transfer of data from the Biodiversity Performance Tool (BPTi) to the Biodiversity Monitoring System (BMS) is done exclusively for the monitoring of the biodiversity performance of a group of farms.
The BMS processes the individual data records into an aggregated form in order to elaborate monitoring results for a specific group. These monitoring results are presented in a dashboard in form of graphs and tables. The results are only accessible to the "project leader", which is the person authorized to monitor a specific group of farmers. Project leaders can be appointed by a standard organization, a company or a cooperative or producer group.
The project leaders are required to reach an agreement with the farmers to make their data/information available for the monitoring. They have access to the farm data as well as to the monitoring results presented in an anonymised form.
By agreeing to these conditions, the Lake Constance Foundation assumes that the farmer has been contacted by the "project manager" of the BMS user and has given his consent to the data transfer.
To transfer the data, an account must be created in the BMS. This automatically makes you an inactive user of the BMS. If you would like to become an active user and use the BMS for monitoring purposes, please inform yourself here: www.biodiversity-monitoring.info
or contact Lake Constance Foundation: marion.hammerl@bodensee-stiftung.org
Persons who provide their individual data for monitoring can have their data account deleted at any time. In this case, please contact the Lake Constance Foundation: marion.hammerl@bodensee-stiftung.org